EY - a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction, and advisory services - is hiring the most passionate people in the field of audit and tax. Apply by sharing your resume with the email address listed below. The application deadline is November 25, 2022.
About EY
As a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction, and advisory services, we hire and develop the most
passionate people in their field to help build a better working world. This starts with a culture that believes in giving you the training, opportunities, and creative freedom to make things better. So that whenever you join, however long you stay, the exceptional EY experience lasts a lifetime.
A bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, or business discipline
Bilingual abilities in both Korean and English
Eligibility for US CPA licensure in your work state
모집부문: EY Korean Practice감사 부서/세무 부서
모집대상: Full-time new hire for 2023 / Full-time experienced hire
2023년 채용예정: 기졸업자 및 2023년 졸업 예정자
근무지: Los Angeles / San Jose / Atlanta
전형절차: 서류 전형/인터뷰
지원 방법: 이력서를 아래 메일로 제출
문의를 넣을 수 있는 e-mail 이나 연락처: Jay.Chung1@ey.com